Rainmeter Big Sur

1. Install ThemeTool.exe

  • Run the ThemeTool.exe by Administrator
  • Select 'Hook LogonUI' only
  • Then click on 'Install'
  • Reboot the computer to apply the changes.

2. Download Big Sur theme

You mean the control center? Try big sur for rainmeter. The action center (Win + A) also has similar functionality. I mean the top bar. Rainmeter skins. Rainmeter Features. Rainmeter Skins uses very little hardware resources and will run perfectly well on any PC using Microsoft Windows 7 through Windows 10. Create and modify your own rainmeter skins in a simple language that's easy to learn. Rainmeter is not just an application, it is also a robust toolkit.

  • Unzip the downloaded zip
  • Go to path 'ThemesThin Taskbar'
  • Copy all theme/files inside the folder
  • Paste theme files to 'C:WindowsResourcesThemes'
  • Open the ThemeTool.exe in the step (1) by Administration again
  • Select any 'Big Sur' theme you like
  • Click 'Patch and apply'

3. Change Desktop Background to Mac OS Big Sur 4k Wallpaper

4. Change Windows Icons to Big Sur Theme

  • Download Macpac Icon Theme
  • Unzip the file and remove the file tail '.remove' then the file's name changed to '.7z'
  • Download 7TSP GUI 2019 Edition
  • Change the file name '.ee' to '.exe' to execute the file.
  • Open the file '7tsp GUI v0.6(2019).exe'
  • Select 'Add a Custom Pack'
  • Choice the file '.7z' of Macpac Icon Theme
  • Click 'Start Patching'
  • Reboot the computer to apply the changes.

5. Install Widgets

Rainmeter big sur indir
  • Download Theme for Rainmeter
  • Unzip and click on 'BigSur.rmskin' to install the theme.
  • Top bar Widget: droptop four by Cariboudjan on DeviantArt

6. Install Dock

  • Download Rocket Dock
  • Install Rocket Dock Skin
  • Unzip the Rocket Skin zip file then copy all folder to the Rocket Dock skins 'C:Program Files (x86)RocketDockSkins'
  • Open Dock Setting (by right click) then change Position to 'Bottom' and Style to 'Big Sur'
  • Now you can go to task bar setting and hide it
  • Remove the default icon/app in the Dock.
  • Copy icons in 'macOS BigSur ICONS by Maiguris' (folder inside the skins zip above) to 'C:Program Files (x86)RocketDockIcons'.
  • Add Items to the Dock by Icon and Setting Open Program by Path.

Big Sur Beta 2 For Rainmeter Deviantart

7. Change the Mouse Cursor

Rainmeter Mac Os Big Sur Skin

  • Right click on '.Install.inf' and click 'Install'
  • Go the the mouse setting (additional mouse options) and change the theme

Rainmeter Big Sur Menu Bar

All software in this post you can easily download here